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de (HED) P.E. / an -


I cant believe a single word that youre saying

I see your lips moving, but nothings coming out

Who can believe a single word that youre saying

I see your lips moving& but I cant figure it out

Im afraid of the crucifix hanging on my wall

You hear yourself screaming,but nothings coming out

Im afraid of the shadows dancing on my wall

I hear them laughing at me,but I cant figure it out

I know my limitations

I just dont know when to quit

I know when Im addicted

But no, I cant get enough of that shit, what?


Jesus - make everything all right

Whered everybody go?

I know Im losing, but I dont know what to do

Sweet jesus make it go away

Mary, joseph what I should I say?

What do I do?

When I was alone you just laughed at me

I held out my hand, you just closed your eyes

I only wanted to be good

All I wanted was a chance to make things right


Twenty thousand leagues deep on the mic

Mass murder, court convicted, terroristic creature of the night

No, dont let me get freaky tonight

No, dont feed me tonight

I been drinking way to much jagermeister

Mommy pray for me, cause Im not feeling right

Ive been hearing these voices

Theyre telling me to take my own life

Breathe my last breath, eat my last meal

You got what you deserve

Hows that feel?

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