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Length Version)

de ABBA / an -



Abba - Summer Night City (full-length version)


Lead vocal: Agnetha/Frida

In the night a new day dawning

And the first birds start to sing

In the pale light of the morning

Nothing's worth remembering

It's a dream, it's out of reach

Scattered driftwood on the beach

Summer night city...

Summer night city...

Waiting for the sunrise, soul dancing in the dark

Summer night city

Walking in the moonlight, love-making in a park

Summer night city

In the sun I feel like sleeping

I can't take it for too long

My impatience slowly creeping

Up my spine and growing strong

I know what's waiting there for me

Tonight I'm loose and fancy-free


When the night comes with the action

I just know it's time to go

Can't resist the strange attraction

From that giant dynamo

Lots to take and lots to give

Time to breathe and time to live

Waiting for the sunrise, soul dancing in the dark

Summer night city

Walking in the moonlight, love-making in a park

Summer night city

It's elusive call it glitter

Somehow something turns me on

Some folks only see the litter

We don't miss them when they're gone

I love the feeling in the air

My kind of people everywhere

When the night comes with the action

I just know it's time to go

Can't resist the strange attraction

From that giant dynamo

And tomorrow, when the dawning

And the first birds start to sing

In the pale light of the morning

Nothing's worth remembering

It's a dream, it's out of reach

Scattered driftwood on the beach

Waiting for the sunrise, soul dancing in the dark

Summer night city

Walking in the moonlight, love-making in a park

Summer night city

(repeat 2x and fade)

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