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One big mistake some people make is when they take for granted

Love will always stay the same

Because eventually love needs attention or it has a tendency

To fade away

That is why i'll always give you

Every little thing you may have only dreamed of

All i wanna give you

Every little thing

All i wanna give you is everything

Some peoples' needs can never be pleased but we both agree

We're not that way

As i suspected my secret weapon will be

To keep you satisfied every day

That is why i'll always give you

Every little thing you may have only dreamed of

All i wanna give you

Every little thing

All i wanna give you is everything

Why would i chose to ever deny you

It would only risk our happiness

I feel compelled to overwhelm you

And to never let you catch your breath

That is why i'll always give you

Every little thing you may have only dreamed of

All i wanna give you

Every little thing

All i wanna give you is everything

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