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Fish Head

de Adrian Belew / pe Twang Bar King / an 2003


Yes, he was a fish head

His frontal lobe a retread

He rode a little motor scooter

They said he was a neuter

Tried to be a masher

He was a failure as a flasher

What made it most regrettable

He thought he was incredible

Here i come, yeah, look at me now

I'm a smooth operator, i'm a mood elevator

They always said i would be nothing but a fish head

And look at me now

Yes, he was a fish...sandwich

Unfortunate case of brain damage

His modus operandi,

A burger and a french frie

His mother was a plumber

His father was a momur

He walked around a lot and took long naps

Here i come, yeah, look at me now

I'm a smooth operator, i'm a mood elevator

They always said i would be nothing but a fish head

And look at me now

Here i come, hey, look at me now

I'm a stimulator, i'm a tax evader

They always said i would be nothing but a fish head

And look at me now

Yes he was a fish head, as stable as a waterbed

For fear of pantaphobia he moved to ethiopia

Here i come, yeah, look at me now

I'm a stimulator, i'm a space invader

They always said i would be nothing but a fish head

And look at me now

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