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INFO - MAY 1, 1990

May 1, 1990

de Adrian Belew / pe Here / an 1994

VERSURI - MAY 1, 1990

I lived inside a tear

Time magnified my fear

That the world around me

Was only getting more severe

On may 1, 1990

Something changed inside me

And i saw the stars align

And i knew that it was meant to be

I didn't know at the time

My heart was on the line

But the world was turning

And suddenly the sun was shining

On may 1, 1990

Something changed inside me

And i saw the stars align

And i knew that it was meant to be

In a city by the sun

Maybe when you saw me then

You thought i had the world at my feet

Maybe when you looked again

You saw how i was empty

In a city by the sun

On may 1, 1990

Something changed inside me

And i saw the stars align

And i knew that it was meant to be

In a city by the sun

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