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de Aerosmith / pe Rocks / an 1993


the street is cold the dawn is grey

my heart says no but my head says stay

my work is finished or so I've been told

can't part the three of us once we got a hold

I forgot the name

I took a shot on the chin

I'm rearranging my game

tell by the shape I'm in

in line of fire you know what to say

they gave us no choices just one shade of grey

my legs keep movin' I don't seem to stray

but I know each step we take, they're one step away

I found the secret, the key to the vault

we walked in darkness, kept hittin' the walls

I took the time, to feel for the door

I found the secret, the key to it all

I got the Nouveauree

and dragged it home to bed

I traded you for me

I took it all and said

I find my own fun,

sometimes for free I got to pay it to come lookin' for me

walkin' on Gucci,

wearin' Yves St. Laurent barely stay on cause I'm so God damn gaunt

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