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de Agnostic Front / pe Dead Yuppies / an 2001


What happened to the world today what

Happens all you say what happened yesterday?

All we do is watch our back sleep with

This and fuck with death we're ready to attack

I can't seem to find a better way

I can't seem to think about today

Now I'm never doing right

Take a chance on what you feel and maybe

You will start to feel alright!

Alcohol and violence all those skams

And dirty tricks waiting for the tide to shift

So your life is not on track shooting dope

And smoking crack how long do

You think you'll last?

Somebody told me no matter how you feel don't

Forget to know what's real

Situations everyday you can't make a difference

If you turn the other way

Nobody's right nobody's wrong can you see the

Light outside before to long

I've got my pride passed down from my fathers

Side and you can never take it away

What happened to the world today what happens

All you say what happened yesterday?

All we do is watch our backs from aids

Heartaches and death- fight it all

Till my last breath!

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