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de Al Stewart / pe Modern Times / an 2000


Sometimes it seems unimaginable

That you were every any other way

With your white rose face and your orphan clothes,

Embroidered jeans and silver chains

You're a well known face in all the hang-out places

Where the lost souls congregate

And you sit all night, but you talk too fast

And I don't know what you're trying to say.


Oh Carol, I think it's time for running for cover,

Believe me, you're everyone's and nobody's lover,

You've got a one-way ticket for all your yesterdays.

I know your daddy said he'd talk to you

But he never really found the time

And your TV mother with her cocktail eyes

Could never really reach your mind

So you fixed your star to a passing dream

And took a cocaine holiday

Now the years flow round you in a muddy stream

And you need another place to stay.


Reach down, silvery ship from the stars, I know you're there,

I know you'll understand me, you can take me anywhere,

I know you must be there...

Sometimes it seems impossible

That the game could get that rough

But the stage is set, the exit's barred

And the make-up won't come off

So you make your bow to the balcony,

You light another cigarette

and the lights grow dim ast the music starts

And it's easy to forget.


Reach down, silvery ship from the stars, I know you're there,

I know you'll understand me, you can take me anywhere,

I know you must be there....


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