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The Elf


By Al Stewart

I sat upon the evening hill

the shadows set

the night grew still

And as I sat guitar on knee

a voice of flowers called to me

sing, sing to me your song

sing, for I belong to the night

In the grey morning light I'll be gone

I turned with eyes that strained for sight

and there amid the failing light

dimly saw a figure small

heard a voice of magic call

sing, sing to me your song

sing, for I belong to the night

In the grey morning light I'll be gone

My fumbling fingers found the chords

My trembleing lips fought for the words

I stopped to ask the stranger how

He softly said no questions now

sing, sing to me your song

sing, for I belong to the night

In the grey morning light I'll be gone

Then with the magic of the elves

My fingers danced among themselves

A heart with lightness thus endowed

Formed melodies I know not how

Song played the whole night long

Thus he danced and laughed through the night

and with grey morning light he was gone

Now the whispering wind plays o'r the hill

And the evening sounds again grow still

A year or more has passed since then

Oh, he will not pass my way again

So I sing, sing to you my song

Sing for I belong to the night

In the grey morning light I'll be gone

Repeat 3x (fade)

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