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de Alex / an -


No one loves you
Like I do
I stand by your side
For the rest of my life
Can you hear me
When I'm whispering, girl.

I like this feeling
That you give me
When you kiss me
I feel the world is mine
Can you hear me
When I'm whispering, girl.

Let me whisper in your ear
All the things you like to hear
I'm here
For you.. X 2

No one loves you
Like I do
I stand by your side
For the rest of my life
Can you hear me
When I'm whispering, girl.

I like this feeling
That you give me
When you kiss me
I feel the world is mine
Can you hear me
When I'm whispering, girl.

Let me whisper in your ear
All the things you like to hear
I'm here
For you.. X 2

Yes I feel I'm in love
Deep in love. X 4

Let me whisper in your ear
All the things you lïke to hear
I'm here
For you.. X 4

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