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Social Parasite

de Alice In Chains / an -


You say you don't like the way we look

Well fuck off

I ain't some dying dog that you can kick

So fuck off

It's so easy to fall into that hole

And you're the one who cast me in that role

If you loved me would you call me a social parasite

And who's the one to tell me whether it's wrong or right

You say you don't like the place I live

Well get out

There ain't no vacancy in my bed

So get out

It's so easy to fall into that hole

And you're the one who cast me in that role

If you loved me would you call me a social parasite

And who's the one to tell me whether it's wrong or right

If you loved me would you call me a social parasite

And who's the one to tell me whether it's wrong or right

(1, 2, 3, Go...)

You say you don't like the way we look

Well fuck off

I ain't some dying dog that you can kick

So fuck off

It's so easy to fall into that hole

And you're the one who cast me in that role

If you loved me would you call me a social parasite

And who's the one to tell me whether it's wrong or right

If you loved me would you call me a social parasite

And who's the one to tell me whether it's wrong or right

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