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de Alice Peacock / an -


You are gifted

You are golden

The veil is lifted from my eyes

Speak to me in words unspoken

And I no longer have to hide

Now I know I'm going back to Fairborn

Now I know it's where I gotta' be

And the road I'm walking down

Goes on and on and on and on and on in front of me

In times of trouble

In times of worry

I am safe and I am sound

Cause I have love to travel with me

And no fear to tie me down

Now I know I'm going back to Boston

Now I know it's where I gotta' be

And the road I'm walking down

Goes on and on and on and on and on in front of me

When I was younger

I had a vision

I was a child with childlike faith

No analyzing

No indecision

Nothing standing in my way

So now I'll go back to Minnesota

Now I'll go where I gotta' be

And the road I'm walking down

Goes on and on and on and on and on in front of me

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