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Lucky One

de Alison Krauss / an -


You're the lucky one, so I've been told

As free as the wind, blowin' down the road

Loved by many, hated by none

I'd say you were lucky, 'cause I know what you've done

Not a care in the world, not a worry in site

Everything's gonna' be alright, 'Cause you're the lucky one

You're the lucky one, always havin' fun

A jack-of-all-trades, a master of none

You look at the world with a smilin' eye

And laugh at the Devil as his train rolls by

Give you a song and a one-night-stand

You'll be lookin' at a happy man, 'cause you're the lucky one

Well you're blessed, I guess

By never knowin' which road you're choosin'

To you the next best thing to playin' and winnin' is playin' and losin'

You're the lucky one, I know that now

Don't ask you why, when, where or how

You look at the world through your smilin' eye

And laugh at the Devil as his train rolls by

Give you a song and a one-night-stand

And you'll be lookin' at a happy man, 'Cause you're the lucky one

Well you're blessed, I guess

By never knowin' which road you're choosin'

To you the next best thing to playin' and winnin' is playin' and losin'

You're the lucky one, I know that now

Don't ask you why, when, where or how

No mattter where you're at, that's where you'll be

You can bet your love won't follow me

Just give you a song and a one-night-stand

You'll be lookin' at a happy man, 'cause you're the lucky one

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