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You All Dat

de Baha Men / pe Who Let the Dogs Out / an 2000




if you want something some go out and get it

gotta show her you the mac of the game or just froget it

i was up with the moon

and down with the stars

and the party was carryin on (PARTAY)

all the girls were outside kickin sand sippin on some sissco (ooh ooh ooh OOH)

and all the boys were standin around endorsing a cold one (hey hey hey)

and then WOA there she was i think shes lookin right at me (no way!)

hey i know what i see when i see it

watch me go down there and do my talk

dang girl i got sumptin ta say



tell me would it be okay if i say

you got it

you all dat

you got it

baby don't turn me away

(if you want something some go out and get it

gotta show her you the mac of the game or just foget it)

so all the girls started laughing at me (hahahahahaha)

i had to make a crispy treat and get ready for round 2

my love was like a bomb about to explode

and only she could light my fuse

so i'm walkin (NO)

i'm talkin (WAY)

damn girl i just got sumptin ta say


(are you with me?)

desperate men make desperate moves

so i dropped to my knees and prayed (YA)

please God this one time give me a night of ecstasy just for two

so i opened my eyes and to my surprise

my godess of love was standin there and she said

damn baby got sumptin ta say

well c'mon hurry up i don't got all day

you got the hotts for me i can see

but u gotta give all u got to get me

so c'mon c'mon wutchu got give it to me

if not yo i got other guys that wanna do me

hun let me show you how its done

you gotta have balls or you aint gonna get none


Girl- (this is how you do it)

(alright stand in front of my face and just get to the point)

( God who is this guy? where'd he come from?)

CHORUS fade out

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