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Monster Mash

de Beach Boys / pe In Concert (Phantom) / an -0001


Right now we'd like to introduce to all of you

Our lead singer, Mr. Boris Love

Boris is all ready to do his favorite song

If we can get a couple green lights on his face

He'll sing a song called "The Monster Mash"

I was working in the lab

And late one night

When my eyes beheld

An eerie sight

When my monster from his slab

Began to rise

And suddenly

To my surprise


He did the mash

He did the monster mash

The monster mash

It was a graveyard smash

He did the mash

It caught on in a flash

The monster mash

It's called the monster mash

The laboratory in the castle eaves

And the master bedroom where the vampire sleeps

The girls all came from their humble abodes

To get a jolt from my electrodes


They did the mash

They did the monster mash

Zombies were having fun

The party had just begun

The guests included wolfman

Dracula and his little baby boy

The scene was rocking

All the digging sounds

Igor backed by his baying hounds

The Coffin Bangers were about to arrive

With a local group the Beach Boy five


They did the mash

They did the monster mash

Mmmm, what luck girl in the audience

Would care to dance with Igor?

The monster mash is so ghoul

Muah ha ha ha

Muah ha ha ha

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