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Sail Away

de Beach Boys / an -


When I desire company

I leave my footprints on the sand by a reckless sea

Hoping you'd come to me

And we'll explore what might have been

And leave the shore and give this tired old world a spin

When my ship will come in

Sun up we'll sail away the day that my ship comes in

Fast as the highest mast can take us to you

Any old where but here

Look at this paradise for two

Sky in a sea that's twice as blue

It all waits forme and you when my ship comes in

You go and get the telephone

Give it a real good yank and thank God we're all alone

In a tropical zone

While we surround the carribe

At every port a third world orders new (epizene?)

From that aqua marine

We'll tell our kind and gentle friends

This is time to make amends

We'll send them a card that ends "till your ship comes in"

Sail away sail away

Just sail away

When my ship will come in

Sail away sail away

Just sail away

When my ship will come in

Oh island in the sun

What I don't know won't hurt me none

When all's said and done

When my ship will come in

At (perfect?) coast in harmony

We'll raise a toast to what's still left of my memory

When will my ship come in

We'll sail away sail away

Just sail away

When my ship will come in

We'll sail away sail away

Just sail away

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