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Shut Down


Tach it up, tach it up

Buddy gonna shut you down

It happened on the strip where the road is wide

(Oooo rev it up now)

Two cool shorts standin' side by side

(Oooo rev it up now)

Yeah, my fuel injected Stingray and a four-thirteen

(Oooo rev it up now)

Revvin' up our engines and it sounds real mean

(Oooo rev it up now)

Tach it up, tach it up, tach it up

Buddy gonna shut you down

Declinin' numbers at an even rate

(Oooo movin' out now)

At the count of one we both accelerate

(Oooo movin' out now)

My Stingray is light the slicks are startin' to spin

(Oooo movin' out now)

But the four-thirteen's really diggin' in

(Oooo movin' out now)

Gotta be cool now power shift here we go

Superstock Dodge is windin' out in low

But my fuel injected Stingray's really startin' to go

To get the traction I'm ridin' the clutch

My pressure plate's burnin' that machine's too much

Pedal's to the floor hear the dual quads drink

(Oooo pump it up now)

And now the four-thirteen's lead is startin' to shrink

(Oooo pump it up now)

He's hot with ram induction but it's understood

(Oooo pump it up now)

I got a fuel injected engine sittin' under my hood

(Oooo pump it up now)

Shut it off, shut it off buddy now I shut you down

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