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de Bebo Norman / pe Try / an 2004


Sometimes when IÔÇÖm all alone

I don't know if I can

Take another breath

Some say home is where the heart is

Tell me where my home is

Cause I am scared to death

Falling from the rooftop

Crashing like a raindrop

Can you make my heart stop

Shaking like a leaf

Standing at the floodgate

Steady as an earthquake

Can you hear my heart break

Tearing at the seams

I am drifting in the deep end

Holding on to your hand

Is all that saves me now

Life can treat you like a beggar

You hold me together

But I don't know how

Falling from the rooftop

Crashing like a raindrop

Can you make my heart stop

Shaking like a leaf

Standing at the floodgate

Steady as an earthquake

Can you hear my heart break

Tearing at the seams

Some say home is where the heart is

And my heart is in your hands

You are all I need

Rising from the ashes lifted from the madness

Now you see my heart is

Deep enough to dream

Heal me from the deathblow

Lead and I will follow

Now you feel my heart glow

Mending at the seams

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