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Dirty Dirty

de Beck / an -


Dirty dirty nights

Underneath the flashing lights

Crawling on the basement floor

I can't see you anymore

What you do, you do for me

Don't forget I'm on my knees

Make you feel what isn't real

You don't know my face is steel

Dirty dirty

Make it neverending

When you feel this dirty, dirty

Dirty dirty

Make it neverending

When you feel this dirty, dirty

Baby I'm surprised

Yellow diamonds in your eyes

Tell me what your Daddy knows

Does he buy you fancy clothes?

Whichever way the wind blows

That's the way she goes

Now I think I'll never know

What it could've been like, girl

Dirty dirty

Make it neverending

When you feel this dirty, dirty

Dirty dirty

Make it neverending

When you feel this dirty, dirty

Saw you in the elevator late last night

You looked like you were off duty

Followed me down to the gym

Chromium sweat and a switchblade

Do you think I knew something you didn't?

Because you play keyboards at the West Bay Lounge

Traffic school, trying to pay your bills

With those millionaire dreams

I frequent places that take American Express

Watching liquid crystal displays in taxi cabs

Dirty dirty

Make it neverending

When you feel this dirty, dirty

Dirty dirty

Make it neverending

When you feel this dirty, dirty

What's on your mind?

What's on your mind?

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