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de Beck / an -


Come gather round me people, here's a story you never heard

'bout me and my friends and some things that occured

We thought we'd get some money, we thought that we might go

Spend a weekend pleasant down in mexico

I was workin at mcdonalds, doin' the latenight run

When a car pulled up the drive thru and pointed out a gun

Said give us all your money and three big macs to go

I stuffed them all in a bag and i ducked down below

Well the boss got angry when he found out i didn't call the police

I guess i was kinda nervous, there was a warrant out on me

Concernin' some jaywalkin tickets i couldn't afford to pay

Needless to say i got the axe that same day

Well me bein' outta work just then i didn't wanna go home

My mom said if i lost this job i'd have to go out on my own

So i went over to dave's house and got really stoned

Called up some girls but none o' them were home

Steve came over and he brought some alcohol

We're all gettin really depressed just starin' at the wall

Thought we'd get some money, we thought that we might go

Spend a weekend pleasant down in mexico

Steve's dad had a huntin' rifle and we went and picked it up

And we stopped into the 7-11 to try our luck

We raised up that huntin' rifle but the counter guy just laughed

As he pulled out an uzi we turned and hauled ass

We were runnin so fast 'til we came to the mcdonalds where i used to work

We walked up to the drive thru and gave my boss a jerk

Said give us all your money and three big macs to go

And suck on this you weasel we're goin to mexico

Down south we all got really wasted, dave got a case of the runs

We're all really hungover and gettin low on funds

Dave and steve called their parents and took the bus back home

Me, i got a job at mcdonalds down in mexico

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