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de Beck / an -


In paradiscos

We get bored of breaking windows

Turning beggars into heroes

Bodies moving innuendos

In paradiscos

Looking for only pleasure

A little pain, take a measure

When you're a flame that'll burn forever

And forever

I'll burn an effigy out of the past

Then our clothes catch fire as we dance

And I wonder how long it would last

Walking through a room full of broken glass

In paradiscos

We'll make a million out of zeroes

Split an apple with an arrow

Play the violin like Nero

In paradiscos

Into the eye of a needle

You can fly like a mosquito

And turn into a million different people

In paradiscos

I'll burn an effigy out of the past

Then our clothes catch fire as we dance

And I wonder how long it can last

Walking through the room full of broken glass

I'll burn an effigy out of the past

Then our clothes catch fire as we dance

And I wonder how long it can last

Walking through the room full of broken glass

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