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de Ben Harper / an -


Won't you remember the mocking bird, my baby bun

He used to sing for dinner, baby

Oh he used to sing for his supper

He used to sing so sweetly

Since my baby left me, he ain't sang for two long days

Oh, remember the blue-birds and the honey bees,

They used to sing for you and me

Oh, They used to sing about you and me

They used to sing so sweetly

But since my baby left me they ain't sang in two long days

Oh won't you please come home

Come on home to me

Make everyday happy as can be

And if you'll leave come on home to me

I'll kiss you for my dinner, baby

I'll kiss you for my supper, yeah!

But if you don't come back you know I'll have to

Starve to death

'Cus I ain't had noon of your loving all day now

Oh Remember

Would yo you remember

Oh, remember the blue-birds and the honey bees,

Singing sweetly for you and me

Oh the mocking bird, my baby bun

Oh don't you come home to me

Will you remember

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