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Tony's Roulette

de Bonfire / an -


What you wanted is not what you got

You better watch out when you're hungry for love

What you wanted you'll never get

Searching for love can be like - russian roulette

Hey Tony what are you trying to prove tonight

You're playing with fire while you sit on dynamite

You're no less a man when you check before you buy

But you are hungry for love

Hey Tony what do you wanna find this time

The girl of your dreams or just a slut for the night

Love has got it's price and sometimes more than a dime

When you're hungry for love

Take a chance

In the game of love

But take good care

Do it all

In the name of love

Place your bet if you dare

Hey Tony tell me is it worth the price

Your nights are hot but your walking on ice

You're young and free and you want to have fun

And you're hungry for love

Hey Tony watch out don't get lost in the heat

The taste of those lips might be bitter sweet

I once had a friend he was just like you

And he was hungry for love

I don't know

Where you're going

But you're on you way

Take your time

Don't end up loosin'

It's a winners game

Take a chance

In the game of love

But take good care

Do it all

In the name of love

Place your your bet if you dare

What you wanted is not what you got

You better watch out when you're hungry for love

What you wanted you'll never get

Searching for love can be like - Russian Roulette

Tony's Roulette

Tony's Roulette

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