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God's Alibi

de Capercaillie / an -


Spring in Macedonia

The last clean pocket on a blood soaked coat

In a state of claustrophobia

waiting for the rain to wash it all out

Fear in their eyes, did the crucifix lie

Did the words of the church run dry

Fear in their eyes, did the crucifix lie

Did the words of the church run dry

I'm a witness to the moon and the stars above

I'm aware of the crimson sky

I'm a witness to the crumbling walls as well

But I'm not your alibi

Meeting on the road to Basra

You half blind in a blood soaked coat

me I'm a fallen angel

fallen from the burning tree of doubt

Fear in their eyes, did the crucifix lie

Did the words of the church run dry

Fear in their eyes, did the crucifix lie

did the words of the church run dry.

I'm a witness to the moon and the stars above

I'm aware of the crimson sky

I'm a witness to the crumbling walls as well

But I'm not your alibi.

War is the last sensation

the final song with the longest note

like a silence, never broken

war is the book that nobody wrote.

Fear in their eyes, did the crucifix lie

Did the words of the church run dry

Fear in their eyes, did the crucifix lie

Did the words of the church run dry.

I;m a witness to the moon and the stars above

I'm aware of the crimson sky

I'm a witness to the crumbling walls as well

But I'm not your alibi

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