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de Dave Dudley / an -


My baby is an angel don't tell me she can't fly

Cause when I'm with her I'm way off the ground

But hear lately they say angel has been flyin' kind of line

And I think some devil brought my angel down

I can't imagine angel just leaving me behind

She said the world was hers with me around

And all the things I've planned always with her in mind

But I think some devil brought my angel down

I'm gonna keep on looking high and low for her I can't let her fly away from me

If I can't find her I can't show her love can grow

Cause the way I love her she will plainly know

That my angel is my baby and I need her oh so much

But she's lost and I'm afraid that she's been flown

But maybe she'll remember and fly back to my arms

But I think some devil brought my angel down

Yeah I think some devil brought my angel down

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