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River Rat

de Dave Dudley / an -


I was born on the banks of the river grew up in a floatin' shack

Old Man River was my front yard we had snakes and frogs out back

I learned to cry to a steamboat whistle I cut my teets on a pal of a cat

From this big star just to make my mark

I had to fight like a river rat I'm nothin' but a river rat

Grab that net catch that fish it's all I've ever known

Trap that otter don't you miss I'll give him the great alone

With the temper of a stepped on rattler and the gall of a mean wild cat

Well the strong survive and just to stay alive

You gotta fight like a river rat I'm a meaner than a river rat

[ guitar ]

I had me a woman down the river she had eyes for me alone

She was here last night but like this wood with the mornin' tide she was gone

To the night like the great Big Muddy was runnin' wild as blind as a bat

My dream was sank when it went over the bank

It drawned all the river rats and I was runnin' like a river rat

Grab that net...

I'm nothin' but a river rat I'm a meaner than a river rat

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