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de Dead Moon / pe Livevil / an -0001


It's a new game, causing pain

You know i've got you on my brain

It's the kind of hell you'll never know

Girls like you just turn me cold

But i guess you found my weaker side

Resistance, god how i tried

But i've got it bad i must confess

To tell the truth i've done my best

But you treat me like poison

Even with the lights on

Guess i might as well be dead

Oh, i'm in the graveyard

Tried whiskey to ease your hex

It made it worse, my life's a wreck

The pills i took to numb my pain

Only brought visions of you again

I'd put the noose around my neck

But the way i feel, i'd probably break

Love must be an evil curse

I've tried to fight, it just gets worse

Your love is like an endless hell

What you do to me you know too well

You won't give me the time

I'm on the firing line

Convicted and disposed

You look but eyes are closed

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