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de Econoline Crush / an -


Pssyche! Ha! Pssyche!

You're all alone in the pack

You feel like you want to go home

You feel fist, but you keep on going

The reason is there

You won't find it 'till you been and gone

Because you're living in your hopes

Someone's got you...

Pssyche! Ha! Pssyche!

Tell your brain: "seek inspiration"

You appear illusion

Then you fall into transfer

Transform machine

To play with your hands

So you can stand back and watch

Take past and burn

Pssyche! Ha! Pssyche!

If you don't know the game

Then your still part of it

Because out on the street its strange to show

Knowing full well that you're on the range

Dodge the bullets, or carry the gun...

The choice is yours

Pssyche! Ha! Pssyche!

Look at the controller,

A natzi with a social degree,

A middle class hero with your eyes on me,

You feast on masturbation,

Preach yes to the nuns you fuck,

You would wipe out semantics if you had a chance,

Jesus would like it noooww

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