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de Elisa / pe Steppin On Water / an -0001


Been a hard day

But I'm feeling sane

Though they point at me

With their fingers of blame

My life's derailed

And I know it's a shame

Could get on track

But is that my aim

Apologize, destined to apologize

Apologize, destined to apologize

It's a fresh day

But adrenalin's low

And I ask myself

Should I just let go

Wanting to sleep

But it's to-and-fro

If I take that leap

Will they even know?

Apologize, destined to apologize

Apologize, destined to apologize

Can't read the future

No believing in miracles

I'm just steppin' on water

Stumbling into some order

Can't read the future

No believing in miracles

I'm just steppin' on water

Stumbling into some order

Yeah just steppin' on water

Making it through

And I'm satisfied

When I hear them say

I've death defied

When they crowd round

I still wanna hide

But my head is straight

And I'm laughing inside

Apologize, destined to apologize

Apologize, destined to apologize

Can't read the future

No believing in miracles

I'm just steppin' on water

Stumbling into some order

Can't read the future

No believing in miracles

I'm just steppin' on water

Stumbling into some order

Yeah just steppin' on water

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