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de Ella Fitzgerald / an -


Back in the days of knights in armor

There once lived a lovely charmer

Swimming in the rhine

Her figure was divine

She had a yen for all the sailors

Fishermen and gobs and whalers

She had a most immoral eye

They called her lorelei

She created quite a stir

And I want to be like her

I want to be like that gal on the river

Who sang her song to the ships passing by

She had the goods and how she could deliver

The lorelei

She used to love in a strange kind of fashion

With lots of hey-ho-de-ho-hi-de-hi

And I can guarantee Im full of passion

Like the lorelei

Im treacherous, yeah-yeah

Oh, I just cant hold myself in check

Im lecherous, yeah-yeah

I want to bite my initials on a sailors neck

Each affair has a kick and a wallop

For what they crave, I can always supply

I want to be just like that other trollop

The lorelei

I want to be just like that other trollop

The lorelei

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