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de Eloy / an -


A star-spangled sky is my roof tonight,

The forests are my covers.

Moonman, the watcher, with eyes so bright,

Gives shelter like a brother.

Birds wake my mind

As dawn paints a flame coloured skies.

dream curtains undrawn,

New day of soft splendour is born.

An afternoon rainshower drawing near slowly,

Clouds hold their treasure suspended like scales.

The eagle encircles his mansioned sky boldly

Wild conversation as larks tell their tales.

Birds wake my mind

As dawn paints a flame coloured skies.

Dream curtains undrawn,

New day of soft splendour is born.

A star-spangled sky is my roof tonight,

The forests are my covers.

Moonman, the watcher, with eye so bright,

Gives shelter like a brother.

Birds wake my mind

As dawn paints a flame coloured skies.

Dream curtains undrawn,

New day of soft splendour is born.

Horizon serene

A rainbow where no man has been

Love within reach

A truth with no needing of speech

Where all dreams are one

As rain meets a boundless ocean

My days here I'll spend

A life of true peace and no end

Birds wake my mind

As dawn paints a flame coloured skies.

Dream curtains undrawn,

New day of soft splendour is born

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