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de Foo Fighters / an -


I'm the kind of

guy who likes feelin'

high Feelin' high and dry,

and I really like to fly

I'm your kinda guy, girl

I'm not too shy

And I want you to fly,

so I think you oughta try

Ozone, ozone, ozone, ozone

I'm your kinda guy and

I'm not too shy

Feelin' high and

dry, and I want you to be mine

So I think it's time,

girl, to start feeling fine

Feeling good all the time,

so I think you oughta try

Ozone, ozone, ozone, ozone

Now I'm the kinda guy who

likes getting high

Getting high and dry, and

I do it all the time

If you think it's a crime and

you don't wanna try

Something that'll make you high,

then I think I'll say goodbye

'Cos I'm the kind of guy who likes

getting high

Getting high and dry, and

I do it all the time

Now I'm much too high, I am

high and dry

And I'm feelin' fine, I'm feelin'

good all of the time... (to fade

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