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Inside Out

de George Harrison / an -


Look out your window

That grass ain't green

It's kinda yellow

See what I mean?

Look up your chimney

The sky ain't blue

It's kinda yellow

You know it's true

(It's so hard to figure what it's all about)

When your outsides in (inside out)

And your downsides up (upside down)

Yeah, your upsides right (rightside up)

Yeah, don't it make you wanna twist and shout

When you're inside out

Look down your drain pipe

What color do you see?

It's got to be yellow

Don't try to fool me

(And don't it make you wanna twist and shout)

When your outsides in (inside out)

And your downsides up (upside down)

Yeah, your upsides right (rightside up)

Yeah, don't it make you wanna twist and shout

When you're inside out

Be careful where you're walking

You might step in something rough

Be careful where you're talking

And saying all that stuff

Take care when you are breathing

Something's funny in the air

And somethings I'm not saying

'bout what's happening out there

It's inside out

Look into the future

With your mystic crystal ball

See if it ain't yellow

See if it's there at all

(Ain't no shadow or a doubt)

(Don't it make you wanna twist and shout)

When your outsides in (inside out)

And your downsides up (upside down)

Yeah, your upsides right (rightside up)

Yeah, don't it make you wanna twist and shout

When you're inside out

(Inside out)

(Right side up)

Yeah, don't it make you wanna twist and shout

When you're inside out

Inside out

Inside out

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