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INFO - 4-0-33


de George Jones / an -

VERSURI - 4-0-33


(Earl Montgomery)

« © '66 Combine Music »

Well the two new people that's moved to the middle of the block

And we're at the top of the town and don't you think we're not

For we got love and happiness people envy us you see

For we found heaven right here on earth at at 4-0-33

Yes we found what most people are looking for

And it's not a lotta money to spend on a real fine car

But it's so when and where a bird flies and sings so free

And there's whole lotta winds in this little house at 4-0-33

The four thousandth block proves what true love can do

Once a lonely place but was sold to me and you

Oh all around the house you can see little children play

And they're not as a people's kids were proud to say

They are the symbol of our love for all the world to see

They're a part of heaven right here on earth at 4-0-33

And our love's on the day you can see many people drive by

For look at the house they think they fell from the sky

They say that this place would make them as happy as you and me

And the whole town's tryin' to buy our house at 4-0-33

The four thousandth block...

Oh all around the house you can see little children play...

We're not gonna sale our happy little house at 4-0-33

Wouldn't take a pretty thing for the love we had at 4-0-33

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