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Bartender Blues

de George Jones / an -


George Jones & Trisha Yearwood

T: I'm just a bartender

And I don't like my work

But I don't mind the money at all

I see lots of sad faces

And lots of bad cases of

Folks with their backs to the wall

B: But I need four walls around me

To hold my life

To keep me from going astray

And a honky-tonk angel

To hold me tight

To keep me from slipping away

G: I can light up your smokes

I can laugh at your jokes

I can watch you fall down on your knees

I can close down this bar

I can gas up my old car

I can pack up and mail in the key

B: But I need four walls around me

To hold my life

To keep me from going astray

And a honky-tonk angel

To hold me tight

To keep me from slipping away

T: Now the smoke fills the air

In this honky-tonk bar

And I'm thinking 'bout

Where I'd rather be

G: But I burned all my bridges

And I sank all ships now

I'm stranded at the edge of the sea

B: But I need four walls around me

To hold my life

To keep me from going astray

And a honky-tonk angel

To hold me tight

To keep me from slipping away...

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