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Well, I just get in my slippers and I light up my pipe

Sit down in my easy chair and fill the thing up right

I hear somebody holler and I jump to my feet

Go take out the garbage or you're gonna hear from me

Slave lover, umm umm, slave lover

She'd tell me not to wait, don't you hesitate

Slave lover, that's what I am.

She sent me upstairs, downstair looking for her brother

Uptown, downtown looking for her mother

People think I'm buggy 'cause I'm lost like a lamb

Won't you tell me baby, who do you think I am

Slave lover, umm umm, slave lover.

She treats me so unfair, she says that I'm a square

Slave lover, that's what I am.

--- Instrumental ---

Well, I go turn out the light and then I jump in bed

I got to get up early 'cause that's what she said

I go to church on Sunday and I hurry home fast

I just get through the door and she says take out the trash

Slave lover, umm umm, slave lover

She tells me not to wait, don't you hesitate

Slave lover, that's what I am.

She sent me upstairs, downstair looking for her brother

Uptown, downtown looking for her mother

People think I'm buggy 'cause I'm lost like a lamb

Won't you tell me baby, who do you think I am

Slave lover, umm umm, slave lover

She treats me so unfair, she says that I'm a square

Slave lover, that's what I am.

Slave lover that's what I am

Slave lover that's what I am

Slave lover that's what I am

Slave lover that's what I am...

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