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Small Y'all


Honey, you think you've got an attitude

So you treat him just a liitle to loose

Well, buddy you think she's a little to cold

So you act like a two year old.

Don't it make you feel low, Joe

Don't it make you feel mean. Gene

Don't it make you feel ashamed of yourself

Don't it make you feel small y'all?

Boy you say something bad about her brother

And girl you say something mean about his mother

And tempers flare and insults fly

And you're both a-wantin' to die.

Don't you feel like a jerk, Kirk

Don't you feel like a ninny, Jim

Don't it make you ashamed of yourself

Don't it make you feel small y'all?

Lady you say you don't love him no more

And mister you kicked down the bedroom door

He called you names you never heard before

And now it's a full scale war.

Don't it make you feel a-crazy, baby

Don't it make you feel mentally ill, Phil

Don't it make you ashamed of yourself

Don't it make you feel small y'all?

--- Instrumental ---

Six o'clock, eight o'clock, nine o'clock, ten

The neighbors all know that you're at it again

And two little kids just a few feet away

Hear every word you say.

Don't it make you feel bad, dad

Don't it make you feel wrong, mom

Don't it make you ashamed of yourself

Don't it make you feel small y'all.

Don't it make you ashamed of yourself

Don't it make you feel small, y'all?...

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