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Johnny's Song

de Gerry Rafferty / an -


Looking for something, looking for one thing

Trying to find anything that makes you feel

Gotta keep goin', don't let it get you down

Now you've got nothing to lose.

You been taking it so hard, taking it on the head

Don't you know life's as good as being dead

Gotta keep movin', don't let it get you down

Now you've got nothing to lose.

When everyone around you

Tells you you're doin' fine

They're gonna drive you crazy

So don't close your eyes and swallow all those lies

Don't believe what you've been told

'Cause you'll wake up one day knowing nothing they say

Can satisfy your soul.

Gotta keep movin', don't let it bring you down

Now you've got nothing to lose.

When everyone around you

Tells you you're doin' fine

They're gonna drive you crazy

So don't close your eyes and swallow all those lies

Don't believe what you've been told

'Cause you'll wake up one day knowing nothing they say

Can satisfy your soul.

Looking for something, looking for one thing

Trying to find anything that makes you feel

You gotta keep goin', don't let it get you down

Now you've got nothing to lose.

Written by: Joe Egan and Gerry Rafferty

Snakes and Ladders version

Drums: Liam Genockey

Bass Guitar: Pete Zorn

Keyboards: Ian Lynn

Guitars: Jerry Donahue

Percussion: Frank Ricotti

Vocals: Gerry Rafferty

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