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All We Want

de H2O / pe All We Want / an 2002


Cover up your eyes

And put your fingers in your ears

We're about to say some shit

That you dont wanna hear

There's too many kids out there

Who never stay changed

Who say some basic truth

Their mom and dad don't understand

All we want

Is only to be heard

And no one told

And the kids are going crazy

Now while we're screaming for attention

No one told

And the kids are going crazy

Try and point the finger

While your running from the man

Blame it on the music

Or the movies and the games

Turning up the volume

So that you can hear the sound

Cause what's a kid supposed to do

When no one is around

All we want

Is only to be heard

And no one told

And the kids are going crazy

Now while we're screaming for attention

No one told

And the kids are going crazy

It's just a matter of attention

It's too late for intervention

Never give back what you lost

Cause we spend too much time together

Always on a mission

So you're always on the go

You seem to forget the homework

From someone you don't know

You were never loved

You had a choice of what to be

Your spent all your money

Trying to cover your mistakes

All we want

Is only to be heard

And no one told

And the kids are going crazy

Now while we're screaming for attention

No one told

And the kids are going crazy now

Yeah, the kids are going crazy right now

And the kids are going crazy now

While their screaming for attention

No one told

And that's all we want

Is to be wanted

No one told

And the kids are going crazy now

While we're screaming for attention

No one told

That's all we want

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