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Well Behaved

de H2O / an -


So listen up 'cause this one goes out to the way we hate

We wonder how we all got so /

And yes it's true we have to /

But I will never understand just how

You can pretend you are a fan when you don't question

The things that you were told

You said you told and you might as well /

Only your heart will ever know

I don't want to be part of the way we hate

I miss that good old fassioned chaos

Don't want to be another boring story

/ stand for glory

So listen up 'cause this one's all about the game we played

You made the rules and we obeyed

And if we changed it you would only feel betrayed

And you will never understand just how

We can't progress if you invest in the unchanged

'Cause it's so safe to stay the same

But I refused and as long as i resist

I must resist it but I know I'm about to lose

I don't want to be part of the way we hate

I miss that good old fassioned chaos

Don't want to be another boring story

/stand for glory

You /

How could you know?

/ but are you where you wanna be?

I don't want to be part of the way we hate

Can't fight the system when you got no rage

And I know we'll win if you give it all away

I don't want to be part of the way we hate

I miss that good old fassioned chaos

Don't want to be another boring story

/ stand for glory

I don't want to be part of the way we hate

I miss that good old fassioned chaos

Don't want to be another boy in the story

/ stand for glory

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