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Soul Fracture

de Haunted / an -


Darkness, closing in on this detestable domain.
Bound and gagged, another soul that cannot take this strain.
Eyes still see, but don't want to see this ultimate misery.
Take my life! Ease my pain! Bring me to my knees.

Living on the edge on insanity.
Falling into despair.
Force fed with horror with,
now submit to the region of dead.

Pain inflicted upon my fractured soul.
No hope!
I'm paralyzed!

Spears of death, pierce my soul, my integrity is stained.
Seeds of death, growing in my mind, my fate seems preordained.

Living on the edge on insanity.
Falling into despair.
Force fed with horror with,
now submit to the region of dead.

Pain inflicted upon my fractured soul.
Not dead!
I will survive!

Pain inflicted upon my fractured soul.
No hope!
I'm paralyzed!

Fractured soul!

Darkness, closing in on this detestable domain.
Beaten, tormented and fractured I cannot take this strain.
Eyes still see, but don't want to see this ultimate misery.
Take my life! Ease my pain! Bring me to my knees.

Living on the edge on insanity.
Falling into despair.
Force fed with horror with,
now submit to the region of dead.

Pain inflicted upon my fractured soul.
No hope!
I'm paralyzed!

Pain inflicted upon my fractured soul.
Not dead!
I will survive!

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