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I'm reaching for the prize, I'm giving everything

I give my life for this it's what I live for

Nothing will keep me from, all that You have for me

You hold my head up high, I live for You

Greater is He, that's living in me

Than he that is in the world

Faith, I can move the mountain

I can do all things through Christ, I know

Faith, standing and believing

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me

I'm reaching for the prize, I'm giving everything

I give my life for this it's what I live for

Nothing will keep me from, all that You have for me

You hold my head up high, I live for You

Greater is He, that's living in me

Than he that is in the world

Faith, I can move the mountain

I can do all things through Christ, I know

Faith, standing and believing

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me

Faith, I can move the mountain

I can do all things through Christ, I know

Faith, standing and believing

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me

Greater is He, that's living in me

Than he that is in the world

Faith, I can move the mountain

I can do all things through Christ, I know

Faith, standing and believing

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me

Faith, I can move the mountain

I can do all things through Christ, I know

Faith, standing and believing

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me

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