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de Ian Brown / an -


You tell lies when the truth will do

You are the social chameleon what on earth we gonna do with you?

Slip your neck into a rope, show me a smile

Youd run a mile

Then you are free, so wheres the goal?

Wheres the style? You want the dough

Got dead sea scrolls for you and your women too

Shes got corpses in her mouth

Still shes holding hands with you

Its cut like crystal chandeliers

Ill shine like diamonds in her ears

She smokes crack, its off the beaten track

You are the social chameleon, you change to suit the people around you

Its like the waves that hit the shore

You cannot stand the force of law

Look man, I know it from your nature

Hit the deck

Hit the deck, as the creator

Got dead sea scrolls for you and your women too

Shes got corpses in her mouth

Still shes holding hands with you

Its cut like crystal chandeliers

Ill shine like diamonds in her ears

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