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INFO - MY STAR 2001 [*]

My Star 2001 [*]

de Ian Brown / pe Music of the Spheres / an 2002

VERSURI - MY STAR 2001 [*]

Space exploration for nuclear stations

NASA corrupters, jewelled abductors

Space exploration, excursion to the stars

On a military mission on a military journey to Mars

I`ll see you in my star

I`ll see you in my star

Solar system bases, the new world order

Lust for space dust, forming galaxy borders

Never seeking new life, only planning war

Sending satellites at new height, satellites to destroy the poor

I`ll see you in my star

I`ll see you in mys tar

Space exploration for nuclear stations

Nasa corrupters, jewelled abductors

Space exploration, excursion to the stars

On a military mission on a military journey to Mars

To boldly go where no man`s ever been before

Astronauts the new conquistadores

See you in my star

I`ll see you in my star (x3)

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