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Riddle Box


Ladies and gentlemen welcome to your death! Now let's see where you're headed turn the crank!

And experience what's in store for you deep within the mighty riddle box!(w/echo)


He hehe he he he he he hehe heh heh heh! Da joke's on you! (hehe Riddle box!)

He hehe he he he he he hehe heh heh heh! Da joke's on you! (hehe Riddle box!)

Wicked wicked wicked wicked clownz... hey

I'm Violent J. And I'm here, well I'm here to kick yo' ass.

We, the wicked juggalos, we juggle those who live like hoes and chose...

The Express Route, One Way. Straight down the spiral twist to the Riddle Box.



Hey, what's up motherfucker!

This is Shaggs 2 dope congratulatin' you...

For openin' the box. The Riddle Box.

It looks like you received your prize. The cost?

Well the cost was your life! Bitch-boy!

Ah ha-ha Ha-ha Ha-ha-ha ha ha ha


Tell me sir, what can you do? It looks like the joke's on you. (repeat 4x mixed w/:)

C'mon on down and turn the crank.

Let's see where your soul will spend the rest of eternity.

What's it gonna be, Mister? Heaven or Hell?

The bonus or the bones!

Turn the crank and let's find out.

C'mon on down, Mister, you don't have anything to be scared of do you, sir?

So what's gonna pop out of the mighty Riddle Box?

Spin the crank and let's find out. Whadda ya say?

Step right up. Who's first? Who's brave enough

To step into their new eternal destiny?

Surely someone must be confident,

That their life wasn't totally evil.

Step right up and seal your fate

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