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My Cat


My cat

Cool cat

Good cat

Pussy cat

When I see him walking

Makes no sense to me

My cat is everywhere

We watch him on TV

My cat is amazing

He can play the guitar

He may not be an actor

But he's a pussy superstar

My cat

Cool cat

My cat is everywhere

Sees what he can see

He may not be an actor

He acts atrociously

My cat is amazing

He can play the guitar

He may not be an actor

But he's a pussy superstar

My cat isn't crazy

He's everything to me

My cat burns the bible

And he thinks it's so funny

He isn't very good

He isn't very smart

He may not be Picasso

But he is a work of art

Hates me as much as I hate you

My cat

Cool cat

Good cat

Pussy cat

When I see him walking

Makes no sense to me

My cat is everywhere

We watch him on TV

My cat is amazing

He can play the guitar

He may not be an actor

But he's a pussy superstar

My cat isn't crazy

He's everything to me

My cat burns the bible

And he thinks it's so funny

He isn't very good

He isn't very smart

He may not be Picasso

But he is a work of art

My cat is handsome

He can play the guitar

He can break my arm in seven places

He can eat a whole watermelon

My cat my cat

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