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de James / an -


Hitching a ride with the sandman

Hell bury your head in his hands

Turn into a bland man

Where will you make your stand?

Hup springs, the voice in man

The prophet calls, the masters plan

You resist his true demands

Its an inner thing that calls at you

Makes you do what you must do

A voice you can ignore

Find the key that fits the door

Follow that song right to its core

Find the key that fits the door

Follow that song right to its core

But I would rather not go, I would rather stay home

I would rather not go, I would rather stay home

And eat and sleep and think and eat

And eat and sleep and think and eat

Rather not go, rather stay at

Rather not go, rather stay at home

If theres someone outside to see you

You can always run away

But when theres something inside does the calling

Theres nowhere you can hide

Jump down an open stair

Fire escape, to the frame and air

Hiding away from the wrong despair

Its and inner thing that calls at you

Makes you do what you must do

A voice you cant ignore

Find the key that fits the door

Follow that song right to its core

Find the key that fits the door

Follow that song right to its core

But I would rather not go, I would rather stay home

Id rather not go, I would rather stay home

Where I will eat and sleep and think and eat

And eat and sleep and think and eat

Talk to friends having oh such fun

Watching late night television

Other side of midnight

Mike tysons feat

Donahue and nighbeat

Jifeman sends my girlfriend to sleep

And eat

And eat

And eat, and eat, and eat, and eat, and eat...

Sleep and eat, sleep and eat...

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