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de Lana Del Rey / pe May Jailer: Sirens / an -0001


You didn't think about anyone else

You didn't think about any of us

When you left that place

You didn't wanna go anywhere else

Nothing could satisfy you to you left

So you went away

Where you go?

Where are you now

I ask about

So many of my friends

Oh about their ends

What about us?

I'll reach us to dust

On the floor again

I thought we were on an end

You really put me in a quite a position

You got me struggling as a musician

With the song

You like to write about all of your problems

The... songs because you think it was often

But you're wrong

Why did you go

Why did you unknown

Maybe my question is

Why must I come to this

You talk about being strong yeah

How I wanna be you and your melody

Tryin to learn about something important

You keep taking onf space you're annoying

But our love is so

Yeah you already know

You're tryin to teach me that new is a living

You're tryin to teach me way to forgiving

Make it hard

You're such a bad bad boy

I love you anyway

No matter what what they say

You were not approved

But you are on the moon

I care about at this terms out

It's just more than I

Heaven know how to fight

I guess I'm...

Tell me I have to, tell me I have to

I know you couldn't

I said I know you could

Where are you now

I ask about

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