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Stubborn (Psalm 151)


there's a whole lotta stubborn in this room

there's a whole lotta pride that won't let go

there's a whole lotta stubborn in this room

that shows no sign of givin' up control

i've drawn all the curtains

i've turned out all the lights

scared to death somebody else might see

there's a whole lotta stubborn in this room

and there's no one here but me

there's a whole lotta demons in this room

they want it all, and they don't wanna share

there's a whole lotta demons in this room

and none of them believe in fightin' fair

some sit on my left, some sit on my right

they talk so loud it's hard to disagree

i'm surrounded by the demons in this room

and there's no one here but me

and i can't quite remember how to

pray anymore

and i can't quite remember what to

say anymore

if it turns out that i can't have my way anymore

how will i know which way to turn

when i walk out the door

there's a molecule of faith in this room

what they used to call a mustard seed

there's a molecule of faith in this room

and a book that says that's all i'll ever need

I don't know where it is, but i hope i find

it soon

'cause nothin' else will ever set me free

there's a molecule of faith in this room

and even though it's much to small to see

if i have the courage to believe

i'll find the one who left it here for me

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