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Inside Out

de Lee Greenwood / an -


In a way I'm glad it's over

Even though it's gonna hurt me once you're gone

I can learn to live without you

Give me time and I can make it on my own

Lovin' you to me came easy

Now losin' you will change my life no doubt

In a way I'm glad it's over

In another way it turns me inside out

In a way I guess it's better

Even though there's nothin' good about goodbye

But I know I couldn't hold you

Now you've found your wings and you need to fly

It's for sure I'm gonna miss you

But I guess that's what goodbye is all about

In a way I'm glad it's over

In another way it turns me inside out

On the one hand I know I'll be better off once you've gone

But I find a lot of heartaches on the other

And I can't say I'll look forward to those nights I'll be alone

And I wonder, will there ever be another

Cause lovin' you to me came easy

Now losin' you will change my life no doubt

In a way I'm glad it's over

In another way it turns me inside out

In a way I'm glad it's over

In another way it turns me inside out

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